Terms of Purchase

Warranty: For new units, an official manufacturer warranty is provided. Please check the warranty rules from the manufacturer's official website.

Refunds & Exchanges: MineHash does not provide refunds or exchanges for units purchased from MineHash. Any machine issues need to be taken up with the respective ASIC manufacturer.

When we receive a USDT or bank transfer payment, it is usedto pay for miners and operating costs. In the event that a refund is extended to you as an exception, your refund will be based on the USD value at the time of purchase.

Note 1: The unit hashrate is estimated, the final unit hashrate may be changed according to production. The total hashrate will be no less than the amount stated on the invoice. If the total hashrate is less than the amount on the invoice, you will be issued a pro-rata $/TH credit based on the purchase price of your order.

Note 2: The price of cryptocurrency mining machines has to be adjusted frequently in accordance with variables like the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency with fiat, the cryptocurrency's network difficulty, or the expected difficulty increase. Refund requests based on price changes WILL NOT be honored.

Note 3: MineHash assumes no responsibility for production delays, delivery delays, machine underperformance, machine failures, or component/engineering issues.

Note 4: By paying for the invoice, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.

Note 5: All invoices expire after 24 hours of the Invoice Due Date. MineHash reserves the right to reject or refund payment for orders paid after this period. Proof of payment with a date within 24 hours of invoice will also be accepted.

Last updated